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10 Common Accounting & Finance Functions You Can Outsource

Discover the top accounting and finance roles that businesses most commonly outsource to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and streamline their operations.
Commonly outsourced accounting and finance roles



Many companies, from early-stage startups to established enterprises, are recognizing the value of outsourcing various accounting and finance functions. The strategy allows businesses to access top-notch expertise without the burden of full-time salaries and benefits. Additionally, it frees internal resources to focus on core competencies, enabling the company to be more agile and responsive to market demands.

In this article, we delve into the 10 most common accounting and finance roles that you can effectively outsource to maximize your organization’s efficiency and impact. Whether you’re grappling with the intricacies of tax compliance or the ongoing needs of financial reporting, there’s a high likelihood that a qualified, remote team can take these tasks off your plate. Not only can outsourcing these functions save costs—up to 70% in some cases—but it can also bring a level of specialization that is difficult to maintain in-house.

1. Bookkeeping

One of the most commonly outsourced accounting functions is bookkeeping. Traditionally perceived as a tedious and time-consuming task, bookkeeping is foundational for maintaining an accurate record of all financial transactions. When managed in-house, it often requires dedicated staff and can divert resources from more strategic activities. Outsourcing bookkeeping allows businesses to turn this necessary yet routine operation into an advantage. By delegating the task to a specialized service provider, companies can ensure greater accuracy, compliance with latest accounting standards, and timely preparation of financial records.

Moreover, outsourcing bookkeeping often comes with the benefit of technological advancements that many in-house departments may not have access to. Specialized bookkeeping firms frequently use state-of-the-art software and methodologies, which can integrate seamlessly with your existing financial systems. This not only enhances efficiency but also provides actionable insights that are critical for decision-making, giving your company a competitive edge. The money saved and the value-added capabilities gained make outsourcing a compelling choice for businesses looking to optimize their bookkeeping function.

2. Payroll Processing

Payroll processing is another accounting function ripe for outsourcing, and many businesses are capitalizing on this opportunity to streamline operations. Managing payroll in-house can be a complex and error-prone endeavor, entangled with various legal requirements, tax obligations, and employee benefits. Any mistake can not only lead to financial penalties but can also seriously affect employee morale. By outsourcing payroll processing, companies can shift these responsibilities onto experts who specialize in keeping up with constantly changing tax laws, compliance requirements, and best practices. This ensures both accuracy and efficiency, allowing businesses to mitigate risks and avoid costly errors.

The beauty of outsourcing payroll lies in the flexibility it offers. Many third-party providers offer scalable solutions that can adapt to the size and complexity of your business. Whether you have a team of 10 or 1,000, outsourcing firms can tailor their services to meet your needs, often through a cloud-based system that allows for real-time access to payroll data. This kind of flexibility is usually hard to achieve with an in-house payroll team without significant investment in training and technology. Therefore, outsourcing not only makes financial sense but also equips businesses with the tools and expertise they need to manage payroll more effectively.

3. Accounts Receivable

Managing accounts receivable is a critical component of any business, directly affecting cash flow and, by extension, operational viability. While it may seem straightforward, effective accounts receivable management involves multiple steps such as invoicing, tracking, follow-ups, and reconciliations. These tasks can quickly consume substantial internal resources, impacting your team’s ability to focus on core business functions. Outsourcing accounts receivable functions has emerged as a strategic advantage for businesses aiming to improve their cash cycle and reduce overhead costs. Specialized vendors in this area employ sophisticated systems that allow for quicker invoice processing, more efficient tracking, and ultimately faster payments, thereby optimizing your cash flow.

Furthermore, outsourcing accounts receivable offers the advantage of expertise in risk assessment and collection techniques. Specialized providers often have an in-depth understanding of credit management and are skilled at identifying the early warning signs of bad debt. This level of expertise can be invaluable for avoiding the financial pitfalls that come with unpaid invoices and delayed payments. The combination of technological capabilities and specialized knowledge that an outsourcing partner brings can add significant value, helping you to transform accounts receivable from a mere function to a strategic asset for your business.

4. Accounts Payable

Accounts payable is often considered the flip side of accounts receivable but is no less complex. The process involves managing all the outgoing payments to vendors, contractors, and any other entities the business owes. When managed in-house, the accounts payable process can be incredibly resource-intensive, requiring meticulous attention to detail to avoid errors like duplicate payments or late fees. These errors can harm relationships with suppliers and even impact your business credit score. Outsourcing accounts payable functions allows businesses to bring in specialized expertise and technology, mitigating these risks and optimizing the entire payment cycle.

A key advantage of outsourcing accounts payable is the integration of advanced automation tools and analytics. Many specialized vendors employ software that automates invoice matching, approval workflows, and even payment processing. This level of automation significantly reduces the likelihood of human error and increases operational efficiency. Additionally, analytics tools can provide deeper insights into spending patterns, helping businesses negotiate better terms with suppliers or identify opportunities for cost savings. Thus, outsourcing accounts payable is not just about offloading tasks; it’s about enhancing the strategic role of the accounts payable function in your business, transforming it into a source of insights and cost savings.

5. Tax Preparation & Compliance

The realm of tax preparation and compliance is a complex labyrinth of regulations, deadlines, and ever-changing laws that can overwhelm even the most organized in-house accounting teams. Businesses are increasingly turning to outsourcing to navigate this complicated landscape efficiently. Handling taxes in-house can be risky and time-consuming, often necessitating a team well-versed in local, state, federal, and even international tax codes, depending on the scope of your operations. Outsourcing these functions to specialized tax professionals can significantly reduce the likelihood of costly mistakes or omissions, ensuring that your company remains in full compliance with relevant laws.

One of the standout benefits of outsourcing tax preparation and compliance is the strategic guidance that specialized firms can offer. These experts can proactively advise on tax planning opportunities, identify potential tax credits, and optimize financial processes for tax efficiency. This level of expertise would require substantial investment if developed internally. Moreover, specialized tax firms often have software that is specifically designed for complex tax scenarios, offering a level of precision and automation that is hard to match with in-house resources. As a result, outsourcing tax preparation and compliance doesn’t just offload a burden—it actively adds value to your business, aiding in strategic planning and risk mitigation.

6. Financial Reporting

Financial reporting is the linchpin of corporate governance and a critical element in providing shareholders and management with a transparent view of a company’s financial health. The task involves more than just generating income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. It often includes complex analyses, footnote disclosures, and compliance with various accounting standards like GAAP or IFRS. Conducting this intricate process in-house can be a herculean task requiring specialized skills and technologies. As such, many businesses are finding tremendous value in outsourcing their financial reporting needs. By doing so, they can access a level of expertise and precision that would be expensive and time-consuming to develop internally.

Outsourcing financial reporting also brings in the advantage of an unbiased third-party perspective. Specialized firms have no vested interest in the internal politics or agendas that might inadvertently influence in-house teams. This objectivity enhances the integrity of financial statements, lending additional credibility to your financial disclosures. Moreover, these firms are equipped with cutting-edge software tools capable of generating insightful financial reports and dashboards that can help guide strategic decision-making. With such comprehensive support, outsourcing financial reporting doesn’t just simplify a complicated process; it elevates the quality of the financial information upon which your business decisions are based.

7. Financial Planning & Analysis

Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) serves as the strategic backbone of an organization, providing essential insights into future revenue, expenses, and various other financial forecasts. While many companies initially try to manage this in-house, the intricate modeling, scenario planning, and real-time analytics often require expertise and specialized software. As companies grow, the limitations of in-house capabilities become increasingly evident. Outsourcing FP&A functions has thus emerged as a tactical advantage for businesses seeking a higher level of sophistication in their financial planning.

By leveraging outsourced experts specialized in FP&A, organizations can access deep analytical insights, predictive models, and bespoke reporting dashboards that can significantly influence strategic decisions. The value is not just in number-crunching but in actionable business intelligence that can guide everything from capital allocation to market expansion strategies. The use of advanced software tools for data visualization and real-time analytics by these external teams also offers a competitive edge. This allows for more agile decision-making based on accurate, timely data rather than gut feeling or outdated information. Outsourcing FP&A, therefore, does more than just lighten the workload; it strategically equips businesses to navigate the financial complexities of a dynamic market environment.

8. External Audit Support

The external audit process is a critical but often challenging activity that businesses must undergo to ensure financial transparency and compliance with regulatory standards. While having an in-house team may provide some level of convenience, the complexity and specificity of audit procedures often require a depth of expertise that’s hard to maintain internally. Moreover, internal teams may lack the objectivity needed for a thorough and unbiased audit. To mitigate these challenges, businesses are increasingly outsourcing external audit support to specialized firms, thereby ensuring a level of scrutiny and compliance that can withstand even the most rigorous examinations.

Outsourcing audit support comes with multiple advantages, including access to a team of professionals who are up-to-date with the latest auditing standards, whether they be GAAP, IFRS, or any other applicable guidelines. These experts can also provide pre-audit assessments to identify any potential red flags or areas of concern, giving your business time to make necessary adjustments before the formal audit process begins. Additionally, the use of specialized audit software by these external teams can streamline the data gathering and analysis process, making the audit more efficient and less disruptive to your day-to-day operations. The result is a more effective, less stressful audit experience that adds value to your business by ensuring compliance and enhancing investor confidence.

9. CFO Services

The role of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is often seen as the pinnacle of financial management within an organization, bridging the gap between financial operations and strategic business objectives. However, hiring a full-time CFO can be prohibitively expensive for many small and mid-sized companies. Even larger organizations can struggle with finding the right talent that fits their specific industry and growth stage. Outsourcing CFO services has emerged as an increasingly popular solution, offering businesses the high-level financial expertise they need without the full-time expense.

When you outsource CFO services, you’re not merely getting someone to oversee bookkeeping or financial reporting; you’re gaining a strategic partner who can help shape the company’s future. Outsourced CFOs bring a wealth of experience and a broad perspective, having typically worked with multiple businesses across different sectors. This enables them to provide invaluable insights into financial strategy, fundraising, mergers and acquisitions, risk management, and capital allocation. The depth and breadth of this expertise would be exceptionally challenging and costly to develop in-house. Additionally, a third-party CFO service often comes with a team of financial experts and access to cutting-edge tools, providing your business with a full suite of financial management resources. Thus, outsourcing CFO services doesn’t just fill a role—it adds a strategic dimension to your financial operations, serving as a catalyst for growth and innovation.

10. Management Accounting

Last but certainly not least, management accounting plays a pivotal role in providing the internal reporting and analysis required for informed managerial decisions. While some businesses try to handle this function internally, the specialized nature of the role, which involves budgeting, variance analysis, cost accounting, and internal financial reporting, often requires a skill set that is not readily available in-house. Moreover, the need for real-time, actionable insights is increasing, raising the bar for what management accounting should deliver. As such, outsourcing management accounting has become a compelling option for companies aiming to improve their decision-making processes.

When you outsource management accounting, you gain access to a level of expertise that can transform raw data into strategic insights. The external teams specialize in creating custom reports and dashboards tailored to your business needs, offering a much more nuanced view of your operations, costs, and profitability. They also bring the benefit of best practices developed over multiple engagements across industries, ensuring that your management accounting processes are as efficient and insightful as possible. Leveraging specialized software tools for advanced analytics and real-time reporting, these experts can help you identify trends, explore scenarios, and make data-driven decisions swiftly. By adding this level of sophistication to your management accounting, you’re not just outsourcing a function; you’re enhancing the quality of the financial intelligence that drives your business strategy.


In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business environment, the complexities of financial management cannot be underestimated. Whether you are a startup grappling with the basics of bookkeeping and payroll or a mature organization dealing with intricate financial planning, compliance, and reporting, achieving excellence in these functions is both essential and challenging. Outsourcing presents a viable, often cost-effective solution that does more than just lighten your internal workload. It brings a level of expertise and specialization that can transform your financial operations from a basic requirement into a strategic asset.

At 1840 & Company, we specialize in providing high-quality, outsourced financial services that are tailored to meet your unique business needs. If you’re considering outsourcing your accounting/finance functions, please schedule a call with us to learn more.

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